Known Issues

We strive to create high quality software with zero defects, but sometimes bugs do slip through, or problems with particular heart rate sensors are identified. Known issues will be listed on this page.

Heart Graph v5.13

  • If you are an Apple Watch user trying to start the recording on your phone, if you don’t see heart rate values and graph displayed on the phone, please reboot the Apple Watch then wait for 10 minutes before trying again. Unfortunately bugs in WatchOS (even with the latest version) mean that real-time messages between the Watch and the phone can fail; rebooting and giving the Watch time to catch up with the backlog of data to transfer typically resolves the issue, although you may find you need to reboot the phone as well.
  • A bug in WatchOS means that the Watch app can fail to start a workout directly when requested by the phone. There is a simple workaround – after selecting to start a new workout on the phone, simply make sure that Heart Graph is actually running on the Watch, for example by raising your wrist to activate the screen.
  • If you’re using Bluetooth headphones while recording heart rate, you may want to ensure that Rep counting is turned off in the app settings. With Rep counting enabled, the connection to Bluetooth headphones is lost when Heart Graph plays sounds due to a limitation in iOS.

If you you think you’ve found a bug that’s not listed above, please contact us on our Support page – we cannot fix problems that we don’t know about!